Class: GedcomParser

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Class GedcomParser is a GEDCOM 5.5 Parser

The GEDCOM 5.5 grammer is defined in the TAGS hash. * Each TAGS hash members key represents a name of a GEDCOM record definition in the standard. The standard doesn't name all sub-levels of a record, but for our definitions we have had to. e.g. In the standard: HEADER:= n HEAD 1:1 +1 SOUR <APPROVED_SYSTEM_ID> 1:1 … becomes a :header key and a :header_source key in the TAGS hash.

  • Each value is another hash, whose key is a two member array: [<GEDCOM_TAG>, <context>] Valid Contexts: [:xref] indicates that the GEDCOM TAG with a reference value, so should have an @XREF@ value following it Nb. With level 0 GEDCOM records, the @XREF@ will proceed the GEDCOM TAG. [nil] indicates this is a standard GEDCOM tag, possibly with a data value following it. [:user] indicates that this is a user defined tag, not one from the standard. e.g. [“NOTE”, :xref] is a NOTE tag with a reference to a note, or at Level 0 the :xref is the key for other records to refer to. [“NOTE”, nil] is an inline NOTE, with the note being the value on the GEDCOM line [“NOTE”, :user] is a NOTE record where the standard didn't allow for one (i.e. user defined) Each value of this hash being an array telling the parse what it must do when it meets the GEDCOM_TAG in the context. This array array has the following fields

  • CHILD_RECORD This is the key to the child level tag description lines.

  • MIN_OCCURANCES What is the minimum number of times we should see this field. Usually 0 or 1

  • MAX_OCCURANCES How many times can this tag appear at this level. Nil means any number of times

  • DATA_TYPE What is the type of the data in the data field. Nil means we expect no data.

  • DATA_SIZE How big can this field be. I haven't recorded how small, assuming 1, but some records have higher minimum sizes

  • ACTION The action(s) the parser should take to instatiate a class and/or store the value portion of the GEDCOM line. The Action tags are processed in order. A class tag changes the target class of field, key and xref tags. - [:class, :class_name] inidicates this line, and any further data, will be stored in the class :class_name - [:pop] indicates that data will now be stored in the previous class. - [:field, :fieldname] indicates that the data part of the line will be stored in the field :field_name - [:field, [:fieldname, value]] fieldname stores the given value. - [:append, :fieldname] indicates that the data part of the line will be appended to this field - [:append_nl, :fieldname] indicates that the data part of the line will be appended to this field, after first appending a nl - [:xref, [:field, :record_type]] indicates that the xref value of the line will get stored in the named field and points to the record_type. - [:key, :index_name] means we need to create an index entry, in the index index_name, for this items xref value. - nil in this field indicates that we should ignore this TAG and its children.

  • DATA_DESCRIPTION Comment to indicate purpose of the gedcom TAG at this level.

Constant Summary collapse


This is the key to the child level tag description lines.


What is the minimum number of times we should see this field. Usually 0 or 1


How many times can this tag appear at this level. Nil means any number of times


What is the type of the data in the data field. Nil means we expect no data.


How big can this field be


The action(s) the parser should take to instatiate a class and/or store the value portion of the GEDCOM line.


Comment to indicate purpose of the gedcom TAG at this level.

  :transmission =>  
    ["HEAD", nil]		=> [:header,						  1,	1, 	  nil, 				0,	[ [:class, :header_record] ],                                 "File Header"],
    ["SUBM", :xref]	=> [:submitter_record,		0,	1,	  nil,				0,	[ [:class, :submitter_record], [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]], [:key, :submitter] ],          "File's Submitter Record"],	
    ["FAM", :xref]	=> [:family_record,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,	[ [:class, :family_record],    [:xref, [:family_ref, :family]], [:key, :family] ],            "Family Record"	],
    ["INDI", :xref]	=> [:individual_record,		0,	nil,	nil,				0,	[ [:class, :individual_record], [:xref, [:individual_ref, :individual]], [:key, :individual] ],        "Individual Record"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=> [:source_record,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,	[ [:class, :source_record],     [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]], [:key, :source] ],            "Source Record"	],
    ["OBJE", :xref]	=> [:multimedia_record,		0,	nil,	nil,				0,	[ [:class, :multimedia_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:key, :multimedia] ],          "Multimedia Object"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_record,			    0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_record],  [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]], [:key, :note], [:field, :note] ],  "Note Record"	],
    ["REPO", :xref]	=> [:repository_record,		0,	nil,	nil,				0,	[ [:class, :repository_record], [:xref, [:repository_ref, :repository]], [:key, :repository] ],        "Repository Record"	],
    ["SUBN", :xref]	=> [:submission_record,		0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :submission_record], [:xref, [:submission_ref, :submission]], [:key, :submission] ],        "Submission Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]	=>  [:user_subtag,	      0,	nil, :string,	248,    [ [:class, :note_record],  [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]], [:key, :note], [:field, :note] ],  "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
    ["TRLR", nil]   => [nil,		              1,	1, 	  nil, 				0,	[ [:class, :trailer_record], [:pop] ],                                                          "End of Data Line"	],
:header =>  
    ["SOUR", nil]		=> [:header_source,   1,	1, :identifier, 20,   [ [:class, :header_source_record], [:field, :approved_system_id] ], "Source System's Registered Name"	],
    ["DEST", nil]		=> [nil,		          0,	1, :identifier, 20,   [ [:field, :destination] ],                                           "Destination System's Registered Name"	],
    ["DATE", nil]		=> [:date_structure,  0,	1, :date_exact, 11,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ],                         "Transmission Date"	],
    ["SUBM", :xref]	=> [nil,		          1,	1,	nil,        0,    [ [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ],                        "Reference to a Submitter Record"	],
    ["SUBN", :xref]	=> [nil,		          0,	1,	nil,        0,    [ [:xref, [:submission_ref, :submission]] ],                      "Reference to a Submission Record"		],
    ["FILE", nil]		=> [nil,		          0,	1, :string,			90,   [ [:field, :file_name] ],                                             "This files name"	],
    ["COPR", nil]		=> [nil,	0,	1, :string,			90,   [  [:field, :copyright] ],                                            "Copyright Notice for this file"	],
    ["GEDC", nil]		=> [:header_gedc,     1,	1,	nil,        0,    [ [:class, :gedcom_record] ],                                         "GEDCOM Info"	],
    ["CHAR", nil]		=> [:header_char,     1,	1, :char_set_id,8,    [ [:class, :character_set_record], [:field, :char_set_id] ],        "Character Set"	],
    ["LANG", nil]		=> [nil,              0,	1, :language_id,15,   [ [:field, :language_id] ],                                           "Language of Text"	],
    ["PLAC", nil]		=> [:header_plac,     0,	1,	nil,        0,    [ [:class, :place_record] ],                                          "Default's for Places"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=> [:note_cont_conc,  0,	1, :string,  		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "File Content Description"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]	=> [:user_subtag,	    0,	nil, :string,	  248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:header_source =>
    ["VERS", nil]		=>  [nil,		                0,	1, :string,		15, [ [:field, :version] ],                                      "Program's Version :number"],
    ["NAME", nil]		=>  [nil,		                0,	1, :string,		90, [ [:field, :name] ],                                        "Program's Name"	],
    ["CORP", nil]		=>  [:header_source_corp,   0,	1, :string,		90, [ [:class, :corporate_record], [:field, :company_name] ], "Company name the produced the Pragram" 	],
    ["DATA", nil]		=>  [:header_source_data,   0,	1, :string,		90, [ [:class, :header_data_record], [:field, :data_source] ],       "Identifies Data Source Record"],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:header_source_corp =>  
    ["ADDR", nil]		=>  [:address_structure, 0,	1, :string,			60, [ [:class, :address_record], [:field, :address] ],  "Address"	],
    ["PHON", nil]		=>  [nil,		            0,	3, :string,			25, [ [:field, :phonenumber] ],                            "Phone :number"	],
    #Added EMAIL,FAX,WWW Gedcom 5.5.1
    ["EMAIL",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_email] ],                          "email address"	],
    ["FAX",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			60,   [ [:field, :address_fax] ],                          "FAX :number"	],
    ["WWW",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_web_page] ],                          "Web URL"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:header_source_data => 
    ["DATE", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :date_value,	11, [ [:field, :date] ],     "Publication Date"	],
    #copyright has no CONT/CONC option in Gedcom 5.5
    #["COPR", nil]		=> [nil,	          0,	1, :string,			90,   [ [:field, :copyright] ],                                            "Copyright Notice for this file"	],
    #copyright has CONT/CONC option in Gedcom 5.5.1
    ["COPR", nil]		=>  [:copyright_cont_conc,		0,	1, :string,			90, [ [:class, :copyright_record], [:field, :copyright] ],  "Copyright Statement from Data Source"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:date_structure =>
    ["TIME",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                 0,	1, :time_val,    12,   [  [:field, :time_value] ],                                 "Time of event"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,         0,	nil,  nil,          0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]] ],                "Link to a Note Record"	], #Not legal gedcom 5.5
    ["NOTE",  nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,  0,	nil, :string,      248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ],      "Inline Note Record"	], #Not legal gedcom 5.5
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:header_gedc =>
    ["VERS", nil]		=>  [nil,		1,	1, :string,				15, [ [:field, :version] ],          "Version of GEDCOM"	],
    ["FORM", nil]		=>  [nil,		1,	1, :string,				20, [ [:field, :encoding_format] ],  "GEDCOM Encoding Format"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:header_char =>  
    ["VERS", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,				15, [ [:field, :version] ], "Character Set Version"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:header_plac =>  
    ["FORM", nil]		=>  [nil,		1,	1, :placehierachy, 120, [ [:field, :place_hierachy] ], "Default Place Hierachy (comma separarted jurisdictions)"],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:note_cont_conc => 
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append_nl, :note] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append, :note] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
  #copyright has CONT/CONC option in Gedcom 5.5.1
:copyright_cont_conc => 
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append_nl, :copyright] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append, :copyright] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
:family_record =>  
    #RESN is not standard gedcom.
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5, but in 5.5.1
    ["ANUL", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,  nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "ANUL"]] ], "Annulment"	],
    ["CENS", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "CENS"]] ], "Census"	],
    ["DIV",  nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "DIV"]] ], "Divorce"	],
    ["DIVF", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "DIVF"]] ], "Divorce Filed"	],
    ["ENGA", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "ENGA"]] ], "Engagement"	],
    ["MARR", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "MARR"]] ], "Marriage"	],
    ["MARB", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "MARB"]] ], "Marriage Bann"	],
    ["MARC", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "MARC"]] ], "Marriage Contract"	],
    ["MARL", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "MARL"]] ], "Marriage License"	],
    ["MARS", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "MARS"]] ], "Marriage Settlement Agreement"	],
    ["EVEN", nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail,   0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, [:event_type, "EVEN"]] ], "Any Other Event"	],
    ["RESI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,				   0,  nil,	:y_or_null,				0,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "RESI"]] ], "Residence"	], #NOT Standard gedcom 5.5

    ["HUSB", :xref]	=>  [:attached_note,		      0,  1,	  nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:husband_ref, :individual]], [:push] ], "Husband and/or Biological Father of the Children"	],
    ["WIFE", :xref]	=>  [:attached_note,		      0,  1,	  nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:wife_ref, :individual]], [:push] ],    "Wife and/or Biological Mother of the Children"	],
    ["CHIL", :xref]	=>  [:attached_note,		      0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:child_ref, :individual]], [:push] ],   "Child"		],
    ["NCHI", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,  1,    :number,		3,  [ [:field, :number_children] ],                  "Total :number of Children"	],
    ["SUBM", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ],"Submitter of Record's Information"	],

    ["SLGS", nil]		=>  [:lds_individual_ordinance_slgs,	0,	nil, :y_or_null,0,  [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "SLGS"]]],                "LDS Spouse Sealing Record"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
    ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]] ],        "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil,  :string,		248,[ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["REFN", nil]		=>  [:family_record_refn,		  0,	nil,  :string,		20, [ [:class, :refn_record], [:field, :user_reference_number] ], "User Defined Reference :number"	],
    ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1,    :number,		12, [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ],           "System Generated Record ID"	],
    ["CHAN", nil]		=>  [:change_date,						0,	1,	  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :change_date_record] ],            "Date this Record was Last Modified"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:family_event_detail =>
    #RESN is not standard gedcom.
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5, but in 5.5.1

    ["TYPE",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                0,	1, :string,			90,   [ [:field, :event_descriptor] ],                                 "Event Description"	],
    ["DATE",  nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		          0,	1, :date_value,	35,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ],       "Events Date(s)"	],
    ["PLAC",  nil]		=>  [:place_structure,        0,	1, :placehierachy,120, [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ],     "Jurisdictional Place Hierachy where the Event Occurred"	],
    ["ADDR",  nil]		=>  [:address_structure,      0,	1, :string,			60,   [ [:class, :address_record], [:field, :address] ], "Address"	],
    ["PHON",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			25,   [ [:field, :phonenumber] ],                          "Phone :number"	],
    #Added EMAIL,FAX,WWW Gedcom 5.5.1
    ["EMAIL",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_email] ],                          "email address"	],
    ["FAX",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			60,   [ [:field, :address_fax] ],                          "FAX :number"	],
    ["WWW",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_web_page] ],                          "Web URL"	],
    ["AGE",   nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :age,				  12,   [ [:field, :age] ],                                  "Age at the time of the Event"	],
    #GEDCOM 5.5.1
    ["RELI",   nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,				  90,   [ [:field, :religion] ],  "A name of the religion with which this event was affiliated"	],
    ["AGNC",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,			120,  [ [:field, :agency] ],                               "Controlling/Resonsible Entity/Authority"	],
    ["CAUS",  nil]		=>  [:cause_note_structure_inline,0,	1, :string,			90,   [ [:class, :cause_record], [:field, :cause] ],                                "Cause of the Event"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    #Subm records in events is not standard gedcom 5.5
    ["SUBM", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ],"Submitter of Record's Information"	],
    ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
    ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,         0,	nil,	nil,				  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]] ],               "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE",  nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,  0,	nil, :string,			248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ],      "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["HUSB",  nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail_age,0,	1,	  nil,					0,    [ [:class, :event_age_record], [:field, [:relation, "HUSB"]] ], "Husband's Age Record"	],
    ["WIFE",  nil]		=>  [:family_event_detail_age,0,	1,    nil,					0,    [ [:class, :event_age_record], [:field, [:relation, "WIFE"]] ], "Wife's Age Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:family_event_detail_age =>   
    ["AGE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    1,	1, :age,				  12, [ [:field, :age] ],   "Age at the time of the Event"],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:family_record_refn => 
    ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,			40, [ [:field, :ref_type] ],  "User Defined Reference Type"],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:individual_record => 
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	],

    #Internally, we ignore the y_or_null, as both indicate we have to build a record, but we don't need to record, in it, that we did it.
    ["BIRT", nil]		=>  [:individual_event_structure_birt,	0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "BIRT"]] ], "Birth"	],
    ["CHR", nil]		=>   [:individual_event_structure_birt,	0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "CHR"]] ], "Christening"	],
    ["ADOP", nil]		=>  [:individual_event_structure_adop,	0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "ADOP"]] ], "Adoption"	],
    ["DEAT", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,							        0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "DEAT"]] ], "Death"	],
    ["BURI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						        	0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "BURI"]] ], "Burial"	],
    ["CREM", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						        	0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "CREM"]] ], "Cremation"	],
    ["BAPM", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "BAPM"]] ], "Baptism"	],
    ["BARM", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "BARM"]] ], "Bar Mitzvah (13y old Jewish Boys cermonial event)"	],
    ["BASM", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "BASM"]] ], "Bas Mitzvah (13y old Jewish Girls cermonial event)"	],
    ["BLES", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "BLES"]] ], "Blessing"	],
    ["CHRA", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "CHRA"]] ], "Adult Christening"	],
    ["CONF", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,				        			0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "CONF"]] ], "Confirmation"	],
    ["FCOM", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "FCOM"]] ], "First Communion"	],
    ["ORDN", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,				          		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "ORDN"]] ], "Ordination"	],
    ["NATU", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "NATU"]] ], "Naturalization"	],
    ["EMIG", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "EMIG"]] ], "Emigration"	],
    ["IMMI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "IMMI"]] ], "Immigration"	],
    ["CENS", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,					        		0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "CENS"]] ], "Census"	],
    ["PROB", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,				        			0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "PROB"]] ], "Probate"	],
    ["WILL", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,				        			0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "WILL"]] ], "Will (Event is date of signing)"	],
    ["GRAD", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,				        			0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "GRAD"]] ], "Graduation"	],
    ["RETI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,				        			0,	nil, :y_or_null,	1, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "RETI"]] ], "Retirement"	],
    ["BAPL", nil]		=>  [:lds_individual_ordinance_bapl,  	0,	nil,  :y_or_null,	0, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "BAPL"]] ], "LDS Baptisim"	],
    ["CONL", nil]		=>  [:lds_individual_ordinance_bapl,  	0,	nil,	:y_or_null,	0, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "CONL"]] ], "LDS Confirmation"	],
    ["ENDL", nil]		=>  [:lds_individual_ordinance_endl,  	0,	nil,	:y_or_null,	0, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "ENDL"]] ], "LDS Endowment"	],
    ["SLGC", nil]		=>  [:lds_individual_ordinance_slgc,  	0,	nil,	:y_or_null,	0, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, :event_status], [:field, [:event_type, "SLGC"]] ], "LDS Childs Sealing"	],
    ["EVEN", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						        	0,	nil,	nil,				0, [ [:class, :event_record], [:field, [:event_type, "EVEN"]] ], "Misc Event"	],
    ["NAME", nil]		=>  [:personal_name_structure,	        0,	nil, :name_string,	120,  [ [:class, :name_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type,"NAME"]] ], "A Name of the Individual"	],
    ["SEX", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,		                  0,	nil, :sex_value,		1,    [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type,"SEX"]] ], "M or F"	],
    #gedcom 5.5 actually only allows 1 sex record, with no event. The real world says otherwise.
    #It is also possible to have Intersexuals. 
    #There is a spectrum of Male to Female, through varying causes
    #These are the known genetic combinations XX, XY, XXY, XXXY and X only
    #There are also XY people, who appear female or sexless at birth (androgen insensitivity syndrome, or in english, the hormone receptors don't work).
    #There are XX people, who may appear sexless and/or missing some or all of their reproductive organs. 
    #Some of these intersexuals can reproduce as males, females, or rarely, both, most not at all.
    #There is also the modern possibility of gender reassignment, which would require an event record, attached to a second sex record.
    ["TITL", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :string,			120,  [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "TITL"]] ], "Title"	],
    ["CAST", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,							  0,	nil, :string,			90,   [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type,"CAST"]] ], "Caste Name"	],
    ["DSCR", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,							  0,	nil, :string,			248,  [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type,"DSCR"]] ], "Physical Description"	],
    ["EDUC", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :string,			248,  [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type,"EDUC"]] ], "Scholastic Achievment"	],
    ["IDNO", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :string,			30,   [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "IDNO"]] ], "National ID :number"	],
    ["NATI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :string,			120,  [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "NATI"]] ], "National or Tribal Origin"	],
    ["NCHI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :number,			3,    [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "NCHI"]] ], ":number of Children"	],
    ["NMR", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :number,			3,    [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "NMR"]] ], ":number of Marriages"	],
    ["OCCU", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :string,			90,   [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "OCCU"]] ], "Occupation"	],
    ["PROP", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :string,			248,  [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "PROP"]] ], "Real Estate or other Property"	],
    ["RELI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil, :string,			90,   [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "RELI"]] ], "Religious Affliliation"	],
    ["RESI", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,						  	0,	nil,	nil,					0,  [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, [:value,""]], [:field, [:attr_type, "RESI"]] ], "Residence"	],
    ["SSN", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,							  0,	nil, :string,			11,   [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "SSN"]] ], "USA Social Security :number"	],
    ["FACT", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,							  0,	nil, :string,			90,   [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type, "FACT"]] ], "a noteworthy attribute or fact concerning an individual, a group, or an organization"	],
    #ATTR is not standard gedcom 5.5, which has no misc attribute tag.
    #["_ATTR", nil]		=>  [:attribute_detail,					  0,	nil,	:string,			   90,    [ [:class, :individual_attribute_record], [:field, :attr_type] ], "Misc Attribute"	],
    ["ALIA", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:alias_ref, :individual]] ], "Reference to possible duplicate Individual Record"		],
    ["FAMC", :xref]	=>  [:child_to_family_link,		  0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :families_individuals], [:field, [:relationship_type, "FAMC"]], [:xref, [:parents_family_ref, :family]] ], "Reference to Parent's Family Record"	],
    ["FAMS", :xref]	=>  [:attached_note,	      	  0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :families_individuals], [:field, [:relationship_type, "FAMS"]], [:xref, [:family_ref, :family]] ], "Reference to Own marriage's Family Record"		],
    ["ASSO", :xref]	=>  [:association_structure,		0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :association_record],  [:xref, [:association_ref, :individual]] ], "Reference to An Associated Individual's Record"		],

    ["SUBM", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ], "Reference to Submitter Record"		],
    ["ANCI", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:ancestor_interest_ref, :submitter]] ],  "Reference to Submitter's Record Interested in persons Ancestors"		],
    ["DESI", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:descendant_interest_ref, :submitter]] ], "Reference to Submitter's Record Interested in persons Decendants"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
    ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,					  0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		  0,	nil, :string,		248,[ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["RFN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                      0,	1, :registered_ref,90, [ [:field, :registered_ref_id] ], "Registered Resource File and Record ID"	],
    ["AFN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                      0,	1, :string,			12, [ [:field, :lds_ancestral_file_no] ], "LDS Ancestral File :number"	],
    ["REFN", nil]		=>  [:family_record_refn,			    0,	nil, :string,		20, [ [:class, :refn_record], [:field, :user_reference_number] ], "User Defined Reference :number"	],
    ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :number,		12, [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ], "System Generated Record ID"	],
    ["CHAN", nil]		=>  [:change_date,						  0,	1,	  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :change_date_record] ], "Date this Record was Last Modified"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
  #These Notes, and Source attachments are non-standard GEDCOM 5.5
:attached_note =>
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				    0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		    248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],

  #:attribute_detail is Non-Standard gedcom 5.5, which has no such structure, nor is there an ATTR parent tag 
  :attribute_detail =>
    ["_VALU", nil]		=>  [:nil,		                0,	1,    :string,	 90,  [ [:field, :value] ], "Attribute Description"	],
    ["EVEN", nil]		=>  [:event_detail,           0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :event_record] ], "Event associated with this attribute"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:individual_event_structure_birt =>
    #RESN is not standard gedcom.
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5
    ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  90,   [ [:field, :event_descriptor] ], "Event Description"	],
    ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		            0,	1, :date_value,	  35,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Events Date(s)"	], #illegal note attachment, Note gedcom 5.5 compliant.
    ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,					0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,  [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
    ["ADDR", nil]		=>  [:address_structure,				0,	1, :string,			  60,   [ [:class, :address_record], [:field, :address] ], "Address"	],
    ["PHON", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	3, :string,			  25,   [ [:field, :phonenumber] ], "Phone :number"	],
    #Added EMAIL,FAX,WWW Gedcom 5.5.1
    ["EMAIL",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_email] ],                          "email address"	],
    ["FAX",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			60,   [ [:field, :address_fax] ],                          "FAX :number"	],
    ["WWW",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_web_page] ],                          "Web URL"	],
    ["AGE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :age,				    12,   [ [:field, :age] ], "Age at the time of the Event"	],
    #GEDCOM 5.5.1
    ["RELI",   nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,				  90,   [ [:field, :religion] ],                                  "A name of the religion with which this event was affiliated"	],
    ["AGNC", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  120,  [ [:field, :agency] ], "Controlling/Resonsible Entity/Authority"	],
    ["CAUS", nil]		=>  [:cause_note_structure_inline,0,	1, :string,			  90,   [ [:class, :cause_record], [:field, :cause] ], "Cause of the Event"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    #Subm records in events is not standard gedcom 5.5
    ["SUBM", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ],"Submitter of Record's Information"	],
    ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
    ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["FAMC", :xref]	=>  [:individual_event_structure_adop_famc,	0,	1, nil, 0,    [ [:class, :adoption_record], [:xref, [:birth_family_ref, :family]] ], "Reference to Birth Parent's Family Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:individual_event_structure_adop =>
    #RESN is not standard gedcom.
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5

    ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  90,   [ [:field, :event_descriptor] ], "Event Description"	],
    ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		            0,	1, :date_value,	  35,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Events Date(s)"	], #illegal note attachment, Note gedcom 5.5 compliant.
    ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,					0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,  [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
    ["ADDR", nil]		=>  [:address_structure,				0,	1, :string,			  60,   [ [:class, :address_record], [:field, :address] ], "Address"	],
    ["PHON", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	3, :string,			  25,   [ [:field, :phonenumber] ], "Phone :number"	],
    #Added EMAIL,FAX,WWW Gedcom 5.5.1
    ["EMAIL",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_email] ],                          "email address"	],
    ["FAX",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			60,   [ [:field, :address_fax] ],                          "FAX :number"	],
    ["WWW",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_web_page] ],                          "Web URL"	],
    ["AGE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :age,				    12,   [ [:field, :age] ], "Age at the time of the Event"	],
    #GEDCOM 5.5.1
    ["RELI",   nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,				  90,   [ [:field, :religion] ],                                  "A name of the religion with which this event was affiliated"	],
    ["AGNC", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  120,  [ [:field, :agency] ], "Controlling/Resonsible Entity/Authority"	],
    ["CAUS", nil]		=>  [:cause_note_structure_inline,0,	1, :string,			  90,   [ [:class, :cause_record], [:field, :cause] ], "Cause of the Event"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    #Subm records in events is not standard gedcom 5.5
    ["SUBM", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ],"Submitter of Record's Information"	],
    ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
    ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["FAMC", :xref]	=>  [:individual_event_structure_adop_famc,	0,	1, nil, 0,    [ [:class, :adoption_record], [:xref, [:adopt_family_ref, :family]] ], "Reference to Adopt Parent's Family Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:individual_event_structure_adop_famc =>  # /*note reuse of ADOP!!*/
    ["ADOP", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :whichparent,	    4,    [ [:field, :adopted_by] ], "Adopted by HUSB | WIFE | BOTH"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:multimedia_record =>
  { #Record form
    #GEDCOM 5.5.1 form has FILE and SOUR records
    ["FILE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_obje_file_record,	0,	nil, :string,		120,   [ [:class, :multimedia_obje_file_record], [:field, :filename] ], " local or remote file reference to the auxiliary data"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],      
    #GEDCOM 5.5 Only, some non-standard variants have a +1 MEDI tag after the FORM tag
    ["FORM", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_format_record,		                  1,	1, :string,	    4,    [ [:class, :multimedia_format_record], [:field, :format] ], "bmp | gif | jpeg | ole | pcx | tiff | wav |..."	],
    ["TITL", nil]		=>    [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			248,  [ [:field, :title] ], "Title of the work"	],
    ["BLOB", nil]		=>    [:encoded_multimedia_line,	1,	1,	  nil,			0,    [ [:class, :encoded_line_record] ], "Binary Object"	],
    ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil,  nil,				0,    [ [:xref, [:next_multimedia_ref, :multimedia]] ], "Link to a continued Multimedia Record"	],
    #Common to 5.5 and 5.5.1
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				    0,	nil,  nil,    	  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>    [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    #Blob's go away in 5.5.1
    ["REFN", nil]		=>    [:family_record_refn,			  0,	nil, :string,		20,   [ [:class, :refn_record], [:field, :user_reference_number] ], "User Defined Reference :number"	],
    ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :number,		    12,   [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ], "System Generated Record ID"	],
    ["CHAN", nil]		=>  [:change_date,						  0,	1,	  nil,				0,    [ [:class, :change_date_record] ], "Date this Record was Last Modified"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
  :multimedia_obje_file_record =>
  { #GEDCOM 5.5.1 multimedia file references, rather than inline blobs.
    #TITL is at the previous level in the link form.
    ["TITL", nil]		=>    [nil,		                        0,	1, :string,			248,  [ [:field, :title] ], "Title of the work"	],
    ["FORM", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_obje_format_record,	0,	1, :string,		4,   [ [:class, :multimedia_obje_format_record], [:field, :format] ], "bmp | gif | jpeg | ole | pcx | tiff | ..."	],
    #Non-standard note field to allow for user defined tags.
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,		  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
  :multimedia_file_record =>
  { #GEDCOM 5.5.1 multimedia file references, rather than inline blobs.
    #TITL is at the previous level in the link form.
    #["TITL", nil]		=>    [nil,		                        0,	1, :string,			248,  [ [:field, :title] ], "Title of the work"	],
    ["FORM", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_format_record,	0,	1, :string,		4,   [ [:class, :multimedia_format_record], [:field, :format] ], "bmp | gif | jpeg | ole | pcx | tiff | ..."	],
    #Non-standard note field to allow for user defined tags.
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,		  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
  :multimedia_obje_format_record =>
  { #GEDCOM 5.5.1 multimedia file references, rather than inline blobs.
    #multimedia records use TYPE, where multimedia references use MEDI (Why?)
    ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,	0,	1, :string,		15,   [ [:field, :media_type] ], " audio | book | card | electronic | fiche | film | magazine | manuscript | map | newspaper | photo | tombstone | video"	],
    #Not standard, but I've seen this form and we might as well recognise it.
    ["MEDI", nil]		=>  [nil,	0,	1, :string,		15,   [ [:field, :media_type] ], " audio | book | card | electronic | fiche | film | magazine | manuscript | map | newspaper | photo | tombstone | video"	],
    #Non-standard note field to allow for user defined tags.
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,		  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
  :multimedia_format_record =>
  { #GEDCOM 5.5.1 multimedia file references, rather than inline blobs.
    #multimedia records use TYPE, where multimedia references use MEDI (Why?)
    ["MEDI", nil]		=>  [nil,	0,	1, :string,		15,   [ [:field, :media_type] ], " audio | book | card | electronic | fiche | film | magazine | manuscript | map | newspaper | photo | tombstone | video"	],
    #Unlikely to see as TYPE tag, but to be consistent with multimedia_obje_format_record, I've included it. 
    ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,	0,	1, :string,		15,   [ [:field, :media_type] ], " audio | book | card | electronic | fiche | film | magazine | manuscript | map | newspaper | photo | tombstone | video"	],
    #Non-standard note field to allow for user defined tags.
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,		  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
:multimedia_link =>
  { #/* in line link form*/
    #GEDCOM 5.5.1
    #Reploces 5.5 FILE's filename with GEDCOM 5.5.1 class, but has a method in this class to return the first FILE filename, hence give the 5.5 behaviour
    #I have reused the Multimedia record's multimedia_file_record, which treats TYPE an MEDI as equivalent, but outputs only MEDI. 
    #It also has TITL as a subordinate tag of FILE, which makes more sense if there are multiple FILE tags allowed, though not if the 
    #purpose of multiple FILE tags is to collect parts of one object, rather than a collection of related objects.
    ["FILE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_file_record,	0,	nil, :string,		120,   [ [:class, :multimedia_file_record], [:field, :filename] ], " local or remote file reference to the auxiliary data"	],
    ["FORM", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_format_record,		                  1,	1, :string,	    4,    [ [:class, :multimedia_format_record], [:field, :format] ], "bmp | gif | jpeg | ole | pcx | tiff | wav |..."	],
    #GEDCOM 5.5
    ["TITL", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,			248,  [ [:field, :title] ], "Title of the work"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,		  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    #Filename max length is a touch on the short side, so have altered it to 248 (was 30) to avoid lots of annoying warning messages
    #GEDCOM 5.5 ["FILE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  1,	1, :string,			248,  [ [:field, :filename] ], "Multimedia Data's Filename"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:encoded_multimedia_line =>
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  1,	nil, :string,					87, [ [:append_nl, :encoded_line] ], "ASCII Encoded Multimedia Line"	],
:note_record =>
     ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5
  	 ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil, :string,		248,    [ [:append_nl, :note] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
  	 ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil, :string,		248,    [ [:append, :note] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
     ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
     ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
     ["REFN", nil]		=>  [:family_record_refn,		  0,	nil, :string,	  20,     [ [:class, :refn_record], [:field, :user_reference_number] ], "User Defined Reference :number"	],
     ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :number,	  12,       [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ], "System Generated Record ID"	],
     ["CHAN", nil]		=>  [:change_date,						0,	1,	  nil,				  0,  [ [:class, :change_date_record] ], "Date this Record was Last Modified"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:note_structure =>
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:note_structure_inline =>
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil, :string,			  248,  [ [:append_nl, :note] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil, :string,			  248,  [ [:append, :note] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:repository_record =>
  	 ["NAME", nil]		=>  [nil,			                0,	1, :string,		90,   [ [:field, :repository_name] ], "Official Name of the Archive" 	],
  	 ["ADDR", nil]		=>  [:address_structure,			0,	1, :string,		60,   [ [:class, :address_record], [:field, :address] ], "Address"	],
  	 ["PHON", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,		25,   [ [:field, :phonenumber] ], "Phone :number"	],
     #Added EMAIL,FAX,WWW Gedcom 5.5.1
     ["EMAIL",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_email] ],                          "email address"	],
     ["FAX",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			60,   [ [:field, :address_fax] ],                          "FAX :number"	],
     ["WWW",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_web_page] ],                          "Web URL"	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				  0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["REFN", nil]		=>  [:family_record_refn,		  0,	nil, :string,	  20,   [ [:class, :refn_record], [:field, :user_reference_number] ], "User Defined Reference :number"	],
     ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :number,	  12,   [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ], "System Generated Record ID"	],
     ["CHAN", nil]		=>  [:change_date,						0,	1,	  nil,				  0,  [ [:class, :change_date_record] ], "Date this Record was Last Modified"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_record =>
  	 ["DATA", nil]		=>   [:source_record_data,			0,	1,	nil,					0,  [ [:class, :source_scope_record] ], "Data Description"	],
  	 ["AUTH", nil]		=>   [:auth_cont_conc,					0,	1, :string,		248,  [ [:field, :author], [:push]], "Person or Entity who created the record"	],
  	 ["TITL", nil]		=>   [:titl_cont_conc,					0,	1, :string,		248,  [ [:field, :title], [:push] ], "Title of the Work"	],
  	 ["ABBR", nil]		=>   [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,		60,   [ [:field, :short_title] ], "Short Title for Filing"	],
  	 ["PUBL", nil]		=>   [:publ_cont_conc,					0,	1, :string,		248,  [ [:field, :publication_details], [:push]], "Publication Details"	],
  	 ["TEXT", nil]		=>   [:text_cont_conc,					0,	1, :string,		248,  [ [:class, :text_record], [:field, :text] ], "Verbatim Copy of the Source Tect"	],
  	 ["REPO", :xref]	=>  [:source_repository_citation,	0,	1,  nil,			0,	[ [:class, :repository_citation_record], [:xref, [:repository_ref, :repository]] ], "Repository Record"	],
     ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
     ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>   [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["REFN", nil]		=>  [:family_record_refn,		  0,	nil, :string,	20,   [ [:class, :refn_record], [:field, :user_reference_number] ], "User Defined Reference :number"	],
     ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1,   :number,	12,   [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ], "System Generated Record ID"	],
     ["CHAN", nil]		=>  [:change_date,						0,	1,	  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :change_date_record] ], "Date this Record was Last Modified"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_record_data =>
  	 ["EVEN", nil]		=>  [:source_record_data_even,	0,	nil, :eventlist,	90,   [ [:class, :events_list_record], [:field, :recorded_events] ], "List of Events Recorded"	],
  	 ["AGNC", nil]		=>  [nil,	                    0,	1, :string,		120,  [ [:field, :agency] ], "Controlling/Resonsible Entity/Authority"	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				  0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>   [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,	  248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
  :titl_cont_conc => 
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append_nl, :title] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append, :title] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
:auth_cont_conc => 
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append_nl, :author] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append, :author] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
:text_cont_conc => 
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append_nl, :text] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append, :text] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
:publ_cont_conc => 
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append_nl, :publication_details] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			248, [ [:append, :publication_details] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
:source_record_data_even =>
  	 ["DATE", nil]		=>  [nil,		            0,	1, :date_period,	  35,   [ [:field, :date_period] ], "Period Covered by Source"	],
     ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,		0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,  [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:submission_record =>
  	 ["SUBM", :xref]	=>  [nil,		0,	1,  nil,				  0,    [ [:xref,  [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ], "Reference to Submitter Record"		],
  	 ["FAMF", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			120,  [ [:field, :lds_family_file] ], "LDS Family Name for Temple Family File"	],
  	 ["TEMP", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			5,    [ [:field, :lds_temple_code] ], "Abbreviated LDS Temple Code"	],
  	 ["ANCE", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :number,			4,    [ [:field, :generations_of_ancestor] ], ":number of generations of Ancestors in this FIle"	],
  	 ["DESC", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :number,			4,    [ [:field, :generations_of_descendant] ], ":number of generations of Descendants in the File" 	],
  	 ["ORDI", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :yesno,		  	3,    [ [:field, :process_ordinates] ], "Yes/No (LDS: process for clearing temple ordinances"	],
     ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :number,	   12,    [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ], "System Generated Record ID"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:submitter_record =>
  	 ["NAME", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  1,	1, :string,	  60,    [ [:class, :name_record], [:field, :value], [:field, [:attr_type,"NAME"]] , [:pop] ], "Name of the Submitter"	],
  	 ["ADDR", nil]		=>  [:address_structure,			0,	1, :string,		60,   [ [:class, :address_record], [:field, :address] ], "Address"	],
  	 ["PHON", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,		25,   [ [:field, :phone] ], "Phone :number"	],
     #Added EMAIL,FAX,WWW Gedcom 5.5.1
     ["EMAIL",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_email] ],                          "email address"	],
     ["FAX",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			60,   [ [:field, :address_fax] ],                          "FAX :number"	],
     ["WWW",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_web_page] ],                          "Web URL"	],
     ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
     ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
  	 ["LANG", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :languagepreference,	90, [ [:field, :language_list] ], "Ordered List of Prefered Language IDs"	],
  	 ["RFN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,	    30, [ [:field, :lds_submitter_id] ], "LDS Submitters registration :number"	],
     ["RIN",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :number,	  12,   [ [:field, :automated_record_id] ], "System Generated Record ID"	],
     ["CHAN", nil]		=>  [:change_date,						0,	1,	  nil,				  0,  [ [:class, :change_date_record] ], "Date this Record was Last Modified"	],
     #Notes in SUBM records are not part of the gedcom 5.5 standard 
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				    0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		    248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:address_structure =>
    #RESN is not standard gedcom.
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5

  	 ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	nil, :string,			60, [ [:append_nl, :address] ], "Address Continuation on New Line"],
  	 ["ADR1", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			60, [ [:field, :address_line1] ], "Formated Address Line 1"	],
  	 ["ADR2", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			60, [ [:field, :address_line2] ], "Formated Address Line 2"	],
  	 ["CITY", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			60, [ [:field, :city] ], "City"],	
  	 ["STAE", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			60, [ [:field, :state] ], "State"],
  	 ["POST", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			10, [ [:field, :post_code] ], "Postal Code"],
  	 ["CTRY", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :string,			60, [ [:field, :country] ], "Country"],
  	 ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,    0,  1, :string,      16, [ [:field, :address_type] ], "Home, Country, ..."], #Non Standard Gedcom 5.5
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:association_structure =>
  	 ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  1,	1, :recordtype,	  4,      [ [:field, :associated_record_tag] ], "Associated with FAM,INDI,NOTE,OBJE,REPO,SOUR,SUBM or SUBN"	],
  	 ["RELA", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  1,	1, :string,			  25,     [ [:field, :relationship_description] ], "Relationship"],
     ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
     ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				    0,      [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:change_date =>
  	 ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,						  1,	1, :date_exact,	11,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Date Record Last Changed"	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:child_to_family_link =>
 	 ["PEDI", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil, :pedigree,		  7, [ [:field, :pedigree] ], "Pedigree adopted,birth,foster or sealing"	],
   #Added STAT Gedcom version 5.5.1
	 ["STAT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil, :child_linkage_status,	15, [ [:field, :child_linkage_status] ], "Opinion challenged,disproven,proven"	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=> [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:event_detail =>
    #RESN is not standard gedcom.
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5, but in 5.5.1
     ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  90,   [ [:field, :event_descriptor] ], "Event Description"	],
     ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		            0,	1, :date_value,	  35,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Events Date(s)"	], #illegal note attachment, Note gedcom 5.5 compliant.
     ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,					0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,  [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value ]], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
     ["ADDR", nil]		=>  [:address_structure,				0,	1, :string,			  60,   [ [:class, :address_record], [:field, :address] ], "Address"	],
     ["PHON", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	3, :string,			  25,   [ [:field, :phonenumber] ], "Phone :number"	],
     #Added EMAIL,FAX,WWW Gedcom 5.5.1
     ["EMAIL",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_email] ],                          "email address"	],
     ["FAX",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			60,   [ [:field, :address_fax] ],                          "FAX :number"	],
     ["WWW",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	3, :string,			120,   [ [:field, :address_web_page] ],                          "Web URL"	],
     ["AGE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :age,				    12,   [ [:field, :age] ], "Age at the time of the Event"	],
     #GEDCOM 5.5.1
     ["RELI",   nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :string,				  90,   [ [:field, :religion] ],                                  "A name of the religion with which this event was affiliated"	],
     ["AGNC", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  120,  [ [:field, :agency] ], "Controlling/Resonsible Entity/Authority"	],
     ["CAUS", nil]		=>  [:cause_note_structure_inline,0,	1, :string,			  90,   [ [:class, :cause_record], [:field, :cause] ], "Cause of the Event"	],
     ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
     ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
     #Subm records in events is not standard gedcom 5.5
     ["SUBM", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,  nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:xref, [:submitter_ref, :submitter]] ],"Submitter of Record's Information"	],
     ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
     ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:lds_individual_ordinance_bapl => # /*and CONL*/
  	 ["STAT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :lds_bapt_enum,	10,   [ [:field, :lds_date_status] ], "LDS Baptism Date Status"	],
  	 ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		            0,	1, :date_value,	  35,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Events Date(s)"	],
  	 ["TEMP", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  5,    [ [:field, :lds_temp_code] ], "Abbreviated LDS Temple Code"		],
     ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,					0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,  [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
     ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
     ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		  0,	nil, :string,		  248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:lds_individual_ordinance_endl =>
    ["STAT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :lds_endl_enum,	10,   [ [:field, :lds_date_status] ], "LDS Baptism Date Status"	],
    ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		            0,	1, :date_value,	  35,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Events Date(s)"	],
    ["TEMP", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  5,    [ [:field, :lds_temp_code] ], "Abbreviated LDS Temple Code"		],
    ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,					0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,  [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		  0,	nil, :string,		  248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:lds_individual_ordinance_slgc =>
    ["STAT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :lds_child_seal_enum,	10, [ [:field, :lds_date_status] ], "LDS Baptism Date Status"	],
    ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		            0,	1, :date_value,	  35,       [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Events Date(s)"	],
    ["TEMP", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  5,        [ [:field, :lds_temp_code] ], "Abbreviated LDS Temple Code"		],
    ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,					0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,      [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,        [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,        [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["FAMC", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  1,	1,    nil,				  0,           [ [:xref,  [:lds_slgc_family_ref, :family]] ], "Link to Parents Family Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:lds_individual_ordinance_slgs => 
     ["STAT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :lds_spouse_seal_enum,	10,   [ [:field, :lds_date_status] ], "LDS Baptism Date Status"	],
     ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		            0,	1, :date_value,	  35,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Events Date(s)"	],
     ["TEMP", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :string,			  5,    [ [:field, :lds_temp_code] ], "Abbreviated LDS Temple Code"		],
     ["PLAC", nil]		=>  [:place_structure,					0,	1, :placehierachy,	120,  [ [:class, :place_record], [:field, :place_value] ], "Jurisdictional Place Hierarchy where the Event Occurred"	],
     ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
     ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				  0,	nil,  nil,				    0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		  0,	nil, :string,		  248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:cause_note_structure_inline =>
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5
    ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil, :string,			  248,  [ [:append_nl, :cause] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
    ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	nil, :string,			  248,  [ [:append, :cause] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:personal_name_structure =>
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5
    ["NPFX", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :prefix] ], "Non-indexed Name Prefix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["GIVN", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :given] ], "Given Names (comma separarted)"	],
    ["NICK", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :nickname] ], "Nickname(s) (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SPFX", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :surname_prefix] ], "Surname Prefix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SURN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :surname] ], "Surname(s) (comma separarted)"	],
    ["NSFX", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :suffix] ], "Non-indexed Name Suffix (comma separarted)"	],
    #GEDCOM 5.5.1 has TYPE, FONE, ROMN tags subordinate to the NAME Tag.
    ["TYPE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_event_type,		30,   [ [:field, :name_type] ], "aka (i.e. alias)| birth | immigrant | maiden | married | <user defined>"	],
    ["FONE", nil]		=>  [:name_phonetic_variation,	0,	1, :name_string,		120,   [ [:class, :name_phonetic_record], [:field, :phonetic_name] ], " phonetically written using the method indicated by the subordinate PHONETIC_TYPE"	],
    ["ROMN", nil]		=>  [:name_romanized_variation,	0,	1, :name_string,		120,   [ [:class, :name_romanized_record], [:field, :romanized_name] ], " Romanized written using the method indicated by the subordinate ROMANIZED_TYPE"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				        0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		        248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
  #GEDCOM 5.5.1
:name_phonetic_variation =>
    ["TYPE",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                 0,	1, :phonetic_type,    30,   [  [:field, :phonetic_type] ],  "<user defined> | hangul | kana"	],
    #Personal name structure tags
    ["NPFX", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :prefix] ], "Non-indexed Name Prefix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["GIVN", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :given] ], "Given Names (comma separarted)"	],
    ["NICK", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :nickname] ], "Nickname(s) (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SPFX", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :surname_prefix] ], "Surname Prefix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SURN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :surname] ], "Surname(s) (comma separarted)"	],
    ["NSFX", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :suffix] ], "Non-indexed Name Suffix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				        0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		        248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5.
:name_romanized_variation =>
    ["TYPE",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                 0,	1, :romanized_type,    30,   [  [:field, :romanized_type] ],  "<user defined> | pinyin | romaji | wadegiles"	],
    #Personal name structure tags
    ["NPFX", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :prefix] ], "Non-indexed Name Prefix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["GIVN", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :given] ], "Given Names (comma separarted)"	],
    ["NICK", nil]		=>  [nil,	                  	0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :nickname] ], "Nickname(s) (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SPFX", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :surname_prefix] ], "Surname Prefix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SURN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		120,  [ [:field, :surname] ], "Surname(s) (comma separarted)"	],
    ["NSFX", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :name_piece_list,		30,   [ [:field, :suffix] ], "Non-indexed Name Suffix (comma separarted)"	],
    ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
    ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				        0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		        248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
    ["RESN", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :restriction_value,	7, [ [:field, :restriction] ], "Record Locked or Parts removed for Privacy"	], #NOT GEDCOM 5.5.
:place_structure =>
  	 ["FORM", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	1, :placehierachy, 120,   [ [:field, :place_hierachy] ], "Place Hierachy (comma separarted jurisdictions)"	],
     #GEDCOM 5.5.1 adds FONE, ROMN, MAP
     ["FONE", nil]		=>  [:placename_phonetic_variation,	0,	1, :placehierachy,		120,   [ [:class, :placename_phonetic_record], [:field, :phonetic_name] ], " phonetically written using the method indicated by the subordinate PHONETIC_TYPE"	],
     ["ROMN", nil]		=>  [:placename_romanized_variation,	0,	1, :placehierachy,		120,   [ [:class, :placename_romanized_record], [:field, :romanized_name] ], " Romanized written using the method indicated by the subordinate ROMANIZED_TYPE"	],
     ["MAP", nil]		=>  [:placename_map_structure,	0,	1, nil,		0,   [ [:class, :placename_map_record] ], "Latitude and Longitude"	],
     ["SOUR", :xref]	=>  [:source_citation,					0,	nil,  nil,				0,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:xref, [:source_ref, :source]] ], "Reference to Source Record"	],
     ["SOUR", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_inline,	    0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :source_citation_record], [:class, :source_record], [:field, :title] ], "Inline note describing source" 	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				    0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		    248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
  #GEDCOM 5.5.1
:placename_map_structure =>
    ["LATI",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                 0,	1, :latitude,    8,   [  [:field, :latitude] ],  "Decimal format e.g. N18.150944"	],
    ["LONG",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                 0,	1, :longitude,    8,   [  [:field, :longitude] ],  "Decimal format e.g. E168.150944"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				        0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		        248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:placename_phonetic_variation =>
    ["TYPE",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                 0,	1, :phonetic_type,    30,   [  [:field, :phonetic_type] ],  "<user defined> | hangul | kana"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				        0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		        248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:placename_romanized_variation =>
    ["TYPE",  nil]		=>  [nil,		                 0,	1, :romanized_type,    30,   [  [:field, :romanized_type] ],  "<user defined> | pinyin | romaji | wadegiles"	],
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				        0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	0,	nil, :string,		        248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_citation =>
  	 ["PAGE", nil]		=>  [nil,		                0,	1, :string,			  248,    [ [:field, :page] ], "Location within the Source"	],
  	 ["EVEN", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_even,	0,	1, :event_attribute_enum,	15, [ [:class, :citation_event_type_record],[:field, :event_type] ], "Event Code the source record was made for"	],
  	 ["DATA", nil]		=>  [:source_citation_data,	0,	1,	nil,					    0,    [ [:class, :citation_data_record] ], "Data Record"	],
  	 ["QUAY", nil]		=>  [nil,		                0,	1, :quality_enum,		1,    [ [:field, :quality] ], "Unreliable (0), Questional (1), Secondary (2), Primary (1)"	],
     ["OBJE", :xref]	=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:xref, [:multimedia_ref, :multimedia]], [:pop] ],     "Link to a Multimedia Record"	],
     ["OBJE", nil]		=>  [:multimedia_link,				0,	nil,	nil,				0,  [ [:class, :multimedia_citation_record], [:class, :multimedia_record] ],                 "Inline Multimedia Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,				0,	nil,  nil,				    0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref,  [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,		0,	nil, :string,		  248,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]	=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_citation_even =>
    ["ROLE", nil]		=>  [nil,		0,	1, :role,			15, [ [:field, :role] ], "Role in Event (i.e. CHIL, HUSB, WIFE, MOTH ..."	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_citation_data =>
  	 ["DATE", nil]		=>  [:date_structure,		    0,	1, :date_value,	90,   [ [:class, :date_record], [:field, :date_value] ], "Date event was entered into original source"],
  	 ["TEXT", nil]		=>  [:text_cont_conc,	  0,	nil, :string,		  248,  [ [:class, :text_record], [:field, :text]], "Verbatim Copy of the Source Tect"],
  	 ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_citation_inline =>
  { #A source record, less lots of the possible variables 
  	 ["CONT", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil, :string,			248,  [ [:append_nl, :title] ], "Continuation on New Line"],
  	 ["CONC", nil]		=>  [nil,		                  0,	nil, :string,			248,  [ [:append, :title] ], "Continuation on Same Line"	],
  	 ["TEXT", nil]		=>  [:text_cont_conc,					0,	nil, :string,	  	248,  [  [:class, :text_record], [:field, :text] ], "Verbatim Copy of the Source Tect" 	],
  	 ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,					0,	nil,  nil,				  0,    [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
  	 ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	  0,	nil, :string,			248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
     ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_repository_citation =>
    ["NOTE", :xref]	=>  [:note_structure,					          0,	nil,  nil,			0,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:xref, [:note_ref, :note]] ], "Link to a Note Record"	],
    ["NOTE", nil]		=>  [:note_structure_inline,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Inline Note Record"	],
    ["CALN", nil]		=>  [:source_repository_citation_caln,	0,	nil, :string,	120,  [ [:class, :repository_caln], [:field, :call_number] ], "Repository Source Call :number"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],
:source_repository_citation_caln =>
    ["MEDI", nil]		=>  [nil,		                    0,	1, :mediatype_enum,	15, [ [:field, :media_type] ], "Code for Source Media Type"	],
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:class, :note_citation_record], [:class, :note_record], [:field, :note] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],

  #Catchall for unknown, or user defined tags.
  :user_subtag =>
    ["NOTE", :user]		=>  [:user_subtag,	          0,	nil, :string,	248,  [ [:append_nl, :note], [:push] ], "Treat Unknown Tags as Single line notes"	],

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(transmission = ⇒ GedcomParser

Create a new GedcomParser instance Optional transmission argument provides an external Transmission object to hold the parsed file.

# File 'lib/parser/gedcom_parser.rb', line 894

def initialize(transmission =
  @transmission =  transmission #We store the loaded records in here.
  @parse_state = :transmission ,  @transmission  #We are starting in a parse state of :transmission on the stack.

Instance Attribute Details

#transmissionObject (readonly)

Returns the value of attribute transmission.

# File 'lib/parser/gedcom_parser.rb', line 49

def transmission

Instance Method Details

#parse(lineno, line) ⇒ Object

Parse a GEDCOM line, adding it to the Transmission class hierarchy. Takes a lineno for reporting errors and the line (as a String) to be tokenised and parsed.

# File 'lib/parser/gedcom_parser.rb', line 902

def parse(lineno, line)
  tokens = *line.chomp.strip.split(/\s/)
  parse_line(lineno, tokens)


Dump the statistics of what we have parsed and stored in the Transission object.

# File 'lib/parser/gedcom_parser.rb', line 908

def summary